XSK8 Magazine Issue 1- January 1995

Contributors: William Brown, Ed Williams.

I started XSK8 Magazine with a buddy back in the day. This was back before being extreme was mainstream… before X Games. There was only one other mag out there called Box. It was cooler, but I didn’t read it. I wanted to do my own thing.

We scrounged together the funds we needed from a combo of skate equipment manufacturers and our own cash. We had a great time backing a skate team we created and supported. I remember that it was a lot more work than I expected. I remember having to give up a lot of skate time.

XSk8 was by skaters, for skaters and featured a lot of up and coming stars, as well as the average skaters who might never gain national fame.

– Ed Williams – Editor and co founder of XSK8.

